iMCC GREEN is a Specialty Service company that addresses all project-related challenges that must comply with ESTIDAMA, USGBC LEED or QSAS green building and community certification.
Our specialty services go beyond ‘certification’ of your project. It is one thing to fulfil certification submittal forms and calculations. It is another thing to make a ‘green building’ cost-effective and profitable. To meet these challenges, we can:
- Provide cost-effective building product, technology, and systems specifications; identify vendors and manufacturers that comply with green building standards (such as fixture flow and flush rates; Energy Star or equivalent energy conservation; irrigation strategies using greywater), who are local, and who are familiar with the certification process.
- Provide ‘value-engineering’ to keep projects within budget while maintaining green building standards;
- Provide alternative solutions that reduce infrastructure capital costs, both short term and long term (including stormwater management, irrigation, wastewater treatment, greywater reuse, shading, landscaping, and solar energy system integration);
- Provide the Project Team with competitive advantages, through marketing strategies associated with green building. (provide marketing templates that describe the ‘green building’ services, for example)